The Best Way to “Shoot” Your Dog


I get a lot questions about the best way to shoot your dog. Photographs, that is. I’ve gathered together these tips to make the process easier. As part of my method to create a painting, I use snapshots as reference material.


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Good photo reference like this are important.


I used these photos to create a composite pencil sketch.


The client asked for a few tweaks to the drawing, and then gave her approval.
I begin the painting.


And here is the result. Thanks to the great photos she provided. Riley’s owner is happy, and so am I.


It’s really easy to take good shots of your dog, if you keep these pointers in mind.

I. Take lots of Digital Photos

Use a cell phone or a digital camera. Move all the way around the dog, hold the camera at the dog’s eye-level, and take photos of the front, back and profile from a variety of angles. If there are specific details unique to the dog, take a lot of extra photos that concentrate on that part of the dog’s body or face.

II. Have a Helper Hold the Dog

The job is a lot easier with a helper to hold the dog. Of course, the helper’s hands and dog leashes won’t wind up in the painting. The reason for a helper is to prevent the dog from walking up to me. To get good shots, I need some distance between me and the dog.

III. File Sizes: The Bigger the Better

• Frequently, I receive photos that are simply too small to be useful.

• Don’t reduce the files. Keep the files big.


• When possible, shoot photos outdoors in full shade or under overcast skies, so the light is uniform, and doesn’t cast heavy shadows that can hide the features of your dog’s face.

• Make funny sounds to get your dog to perk up his ears, tilt his head, and do things that are visually interesting.

• Get your dog’s attention, and capture reactions.
